The industrial areas of Huta Łabędy became a movie set for two days. The creators of Tomasz Siwiński’s debut feature film entitled “Diament Olgi” [Olga’s Diamond] decided to shoot a few scenes in Łabędy.
The shooting lasted a dozen hours and the filmmakers first had to prepare the area made available by Huta Łabędy for their needs. It took them the longest time to clear the snow, which just happened to have fallen heavily that evening. After a careful preparation, the set was ready. The scenery was reminiscent of horror movies. The dark night was illuminated only by the warm light of the street lamps and the artificial smoke gave an amazing visual effect of a rising mist, which revealed the emerging main characters of Tomasz Siwiński’s feature debut entitled “Diament Olgi”
- Piotr Rogucki and Zosia Dobosz.
“Diament Olgi” is a fairytale story about the inevitability of passing away, told through the prism of the story of a 6-year-old girl. Her father, involved in obscure matters, tells a tale about a giant with diamond eyes. When the giant looked with one of them, he made time flow forward and when he looked with the other, time went backwards. The background of this story features diamonds, a sect, the Grand Master, death and magic.
The film is at the production stage. There is no release date set yet.