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In the beginning of September this year construction works were commenced in Huta Łabędy in Gliwice to erect the new Tube Plant – the largest and the most advanced plant in Poland designed to manufacture electro-resistance welded tubes with longitudinal seam. Completion of the investment is scheduled to the end of 2015.

The new plant shall be dedicated to manufacture seamed tubes for pressure application in thermal engineering and for conveying fuels and other energy carriers as well as structural shapes with square and rectangular cross-sections. The scheduled expenditures for the project are estimated to about PLN 185 m. and the production amount is targeted to 100,000 tons of products per year. Huta Łabędy shall be the first site in Poland with the production capacities for tubes with the length to 18 meters that offers much better application opportunities and cost-efficiency, in particular for construction of pipelines. It will be also one of the most advanced and modern tube making plant where the most innovative technologies shall be implemented, for instance quick rearrangement of the manufacturing line to switch to production of tubes with a different size that shall enable unsurpassed flexibility of the new plant.

The project shall be effected in two phases. The first milestone assumes construction of two technological shops along with surrounding road and transportation infrastructure. During the second step the plant for tube welding and finishing shall be designed, erected and assembled.

Civil engineering works are carried out by the general contractor for the project, i.e. SKANSKA S.A. that was awarded the contract as the winner of the tender procedure. The civil engineering part of the investment includes extension of the HPZO shop that has been already used as a warehouse for several departments and shall now be adapted for manufacturing purposes. In addition a new storage shop shall be erected. So far the earthworks for construction of shops have been completed and some other jobs are substantially advanced, for instance construction of foundations for shops, rebuilding of the fire escape road and railway tracks so that to avoid collision between the railway track system and the newly extended shops and to meet the applicable regulations related to railway traffic.

During civil engineering works the contractor came across a number of underground objects that have never been indicated in existing maps. Such obstacles trigger additional expenses to keep the schedule of the project intact – says Grzegorz Lukas, Deputy President of the Managing Board responsible for investments. And he adds: Foundations for shop poles turned out to need additional piling due to instability of the underlying ground. But anyway, these hindrances did not postpone the work schedule.

When construction of the shop structure is completed the next step shall assume construction of technological foundations for the production line. Currently the quotations are collected from companies that wish to win contracts for detailed engineering of these foundations.

When only the engineering documentation is ready we shall be able to embark on construction of foundations. It is a really sophisticated task. The equipment supplier has already provided us with guidelines for foundation design and even these guidelines comprise several hundreds of drawings - says Mr. Lukas.

Completion of civil engineering works is scheduled to April 2015. The next milestone of the project shall consist in erection and assembly of the manufacturing line, which should take 2.5 to 3 months. Equipment that shall make up the technological line is currently being manufactured at several plants of the main contractor –SMS Meer GmbH from Germany. The last phase of the tube welding and finishing plant shall comprise commissioning and performance tests of the complete production plant, which should take place from September to December of the next year.

Should all things go smooth and without substantial obstacles the first tube shall be manufactured at our plant in November 2015 – Mr. Lucas believes.



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