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From 17th to 19th September a group of representatives from HUTA LABEDY S.A. paid a visit to an international mining fair show that were held in Astana, the major industrial town of Kazakhstan. Among several other mining companies from Poland also HUTA LABEDY S.A. took the opportunity of that international event to put on display their own products for the mining.

The delegates from HUTA LABEDY S.A. used the occasion to make a series of meetings with representatives of the oil and gas sector as well as members of the diplomatic corps, including Mr. Andrzej Stefański, the Superior Counsellor and the Head of the Promotion, Trade and Commerce Department of the Polish Embassy in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

During their visit to Astana, the capital city of Kazakhstan, the delegates of the enterprise from Gliwice had a meeting with representatives of the local entrepreneurs who make up the association that coordinate investments into the oil and gas sector.

In Kazakhstan the oil and gas industry is the key industrial segment that records the most dynamic rates of growth. Incomes on that business make up the substantial part of the national GBP, budget revenues and profits from international trade. Kazakhstan has huge reserves of hydrocarbons, where the oil and gas resources and the production potential places the country on the third position worldwide, just after Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Proven off-shore and on-shore reserves of hydrocarbons in Kazakhstan are estimated to about 30 billion of barrels. What is interesting, Kazakhstan seeks for new opportunities to for export of crude oil and natural gas. The government of the country wishes to find new tracks for the exported fluids so that the transportation routes would bypass Russia. Obviously, such projects need giant investment expenditures.

“We had really interesting talks that enabled us to learn more about the local market, where supplies of tubes for the oil and gas sector of that country seem to be the most promising opportunity. We were also made aware of possible prospects on that market, got familiar with projects that are currently pending and, last but not least, what ways can we use to enter that market. We strongly believe that the Kazakh market may prove very promising in the context of our most recent investment, namely the tube manufacturing plant” – reports Mr. Bogusław Lewandowski, Managing Board Deputy for Finances and Marketing at HUTA LABEDY S.A. And he adds: “We also spoke about possible opportunities for future ventures in that country even with partial transfer of our manufacturing capacities and technologies to local sites with the aim to sell our products under local brands. After fruitful talks and with important contacts already fixed up we can now get down to compiling a list of entities that are keen on collaboration. It may happen even as early as in the next year that we shall manage to sign several letters of intentions about economic collaboration with our company”.



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