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First half of this year witnessed completion of several important investment projects at Huta Łabędy with the aim to improve quality of products, make the production more cost effective and enhance occupational safety. The total expenditures for these projects amounted to more than PLN 4.5 mio.

The most important of these projects consisted in revamping of the rolling stand #1 and the upgraded stand was commissioned in May this year. The rolling stand is a heart of each rolling mill since it is the set of machinery designed for cold forming of metals. Three rolling stands work in the Huta Łabędy. The rolling stand #2 had been refurbished beforehand, which served as the pattern to have the stand #1 revamped in a very similar manner. The benefits from the project not only include improvement of rolling quality but also have made working conditions for the roller stand operators more comfortable. The total budget of the project was PLN 2.4 mio.

To improve capacity of hoisting equipment Huta Łabędy purchased two brand new overhead cranes of hook type. The crane with the capacity of 40 tons was installed at the shop for slitting of steel sheet coils whilst the smaller 20-ton crane was assigned to the shop of profile forming. The new equipment was delivered to the steelworks premises at the beginning of this year. Initially they shall be used for current needs of day-by-day production but in future they shall be transferred to the newly erected ERW tube plant. The total price for the two cranes was more than PLN 1.5 mio.

The last but not least investment project of crucial importance that was also completed over the passed half year was aimed to revamp the production area for upper yokes at the Yoke and Clamp Department. The upgrade comprised refurbishment of the equipment for heating of metal semi-product to enable further hot forming of them. The steelworks spent more than PLN 0.5 mio but in return the plant was able to extend output of upper yokes by about 20 percent.

Obviously, it is far from the end of new investment projects at Huta Łabędy. Currently the tender procedure is in progress for upgrade of the old saw dedicated for cutting of steel sections at the Rolling Mill Department. The purpose of the project is to improve quality of cutting operations for steel sections. The expected cost of this project is PLN 1 mio and the project is to be launched at the beginning of the next year.

Also the engineering documentation for refurbishment of the bending stand #2 is under development. It is a part of a framework project with the intention to adjust parameters of bending machines to new properties of materials that the steel sections doomed for bending are made of. Two other bending machines owned by the steelworks have already been upgraded and it has led to excellent effects in terms of quality, efficiency and occupational safety, chiefly by implementation of automatic control solutions.

“Each upgrade project renews stock of our equipment and enables us to make one or two steps forward. Steelmaking industry undergoes tremendous technological transformations and we try to benefit from new trends as much as possible” emphasizes Andrzej Kęcki Deputy President of Huta Łabędy S.A. for Production and Trade.



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