On Friday, 16th May this year the Mannor House on Rega River in Nowelice was the site of the ‘Pro Civitate 2014’ awarding ceremony combined with granting occasional statuettes.
The third edition of the Pro Civitate gala show was the occasion for Zdzisław Matuszewski, the mayor of Trzebiatów town to honour the largest companies that run their businesses on the area of the commune of Trzebiatów. These are the stakeholders that contribute most to improvement of life standards in the commune, offer employment and build the brand and reputation of the region.
The list of awardees that were honoured during this year’s ceremony that takes place every four year included also the Venus Resort in Mrzeżyno owned by the Capital Group of Huta Łabędy. On behalf of the resort President Mr. Radosław Kirsz, the award was handed over to Ms. Klaudia Janiak-Krupa, the Marketing and Promotion Manage of Venus Sp. z o.o.
The awarding ceremony was attended by many persons important for the region, including Mr. Jarosław Rzepa, the Head Deputy of the Western Pomeranian Province, Mr. Andrzej Szczygieł, the mayor of Gryfice town, Mr. Stanisław Gnosowski, head of Brojce village, Mr. Zygmunt Dziewguć, member of Western Pomeranian local parliament as well as other representatives of local authorities and other social and political organizations, including members of the City Council in Trzebiatów and County of Gryfice.
Mr. Zdzisław Matuszkiewicz, the mayor of Trzebiatów town, said: ‘Today we have an unsurpassed opportunity to award entrepreneurs from our region and their companies that contribute to economic growth of our commune’.
The ‘Pro Civitate’ statuettes have been handed over for 8 years to entities as congratulations for collaboration and contribution to economic growth and social development of the Trzebiatów commune.