On 12th January 2014 the 22nd final of Great Orchestra of Christmas Aid (WOŚP) was celebrated in all over the Poland. This year the Orchestra collected means for purchase of modern equipment for the emergency medicine for children and adequate medical care for seniors.
Gliwice was one of numerous towns that supported that noble idea. It was the opportunity for the inhabitants of the town to attend numerous events, such as sport competitions, concerts and other cultural shows. Also the orchestra of HUTA ŁABĘDY joined the crowd of active participants and marched together with nearly 2000 people to the Market Square where the local final of WOŚP took place in Gliwice.
Each final of WOŚP is a one day charity event associated with public fund-raising organized by the Great Orchestra of Christmas Aid (WOŚP). Usually it occurs annually on the second Sunday of January. The entire festival is shown as a direct transmission on the second channel of Polish TV and each year nearly 120 thousands of volunteers collect funds for the purposes appointed by the Orchestra. The event is accompanied by numerous cultural and sport events organized countrywide.