The awarding ceremony of ‘Konfederatka 2013’ honours was held on 12th December this year at the headquarter of Polish Employers in Warsaw. Among the laureates of that prestigious honour also Mr. Zenon Górniak was distinguished as the President of the Managing Board of HUTA ŁABĘDY S.A.
Such an honourable award for exemplary employers is granted upon application of the Union of Steel Industry Employers by the decision issued by the Union of Employers in the Republic of Poland.
‘Konfederatka’ is the annual award that the organization of employers grants its members as an expression of appreciation to the overall conduct of the laureate who is beneficial for the organization and enables opportunities to other members for their further self-development. Awarded are persons who made special contribution to the growth of the organization owing to the involvement in their jobs and popularization of the statutory activities of the organization itself. Candidates for the award are proposed by members of the Union of Employers in the Republic of Poland and members of the statutory authorities of the organization. Each motion should be supported by a detailed rationale for the suggested candidate. Then the motion is disseminated by the Office of Employers in the Republic of Poland to all member organizations and published on the website of the Office. Laureates are elected from among of nominates suggested by the Presidium of Employers in the Republic of Poland whilst the ceremony where laureates are awarded statuettes made of bronze takes place every year at the occasion of the anniversary from establishing the organization.