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HUTA ŁABĘDY S.A. was distinguished in the ranking of Polish enterprises and granted the title ‘Pearl of Polish Business’ in the ‘Large Pearls’ category. It was already the 11th occasion when the editorial committee of the ‘Polish Market’ journal

issued in English together with the Institute of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Science (INE PAN) launched the prestigious ranking ‘Pearls of Polish Business’. It is the only quality-based ranking in Poland where competitors are not validated on the grounds of subjective impressions and assessments. The algorithm developed by INE PAN uses seven international auditing indices to classify business enterprises according to such criteria as dynamics and efficiency of benefiting from capital resources, plant assets and vintage production function. Annually, for 11 years now, the INE PAN computer applies the algorithm to process data from more than 2000 largest Polish companies that have agreed to undergo the evaluation.

The honour of the ‘Pearl of Polish Business’ goes to the company that meets the minimum for each of seven componential efficiency criteria at the level not less than 10% of the average value. Such an approach guarantees that the verdict is independent and impartial.

The ranking investigations cover more than 2000 companies with the total income from all fields of their business activities during the year of evaluation exceed PLN 100 million (Large Pearls) or PLN 1 billion (Huge Pearls).

Capital Group

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