14 sierpnia 1848 Położenie kamienia węgielnego pod budowę Huty Hermina (zdjęcie Huty Hermina ok. 1860 r.)
1882 For the first time ever in Silesia the electric lighting was installed at ‘Hermina’ Steelworks (a lithography of ‘Hermina’ Steelworks from about 1860).
1889 Consecration of the ‘Hermina’ Steelworks standard during celebrations of the 50th anniversary from the plant foundation (nowadays the standard is put on display at the building of the Steelwork Office Building)
1911 Cold rolling mill of steel plates and sheets
1938 Launching production in a newly erected shop of the medium section rolling mill (currently the Rolling Mill Department)
1948 Launching production at the division of General Purpose Rolling Mill.
16th October 1949
1st April 1950
July 1953
November 1956
1st July 1963 Commissioning of the furnace No. 7 with the capacity of 700 tons at the steelmaking shop
1970 Completion of the building for the Metallurgical Laboratory (nowadays Ferrostal Łabędy Sp. z o.o.)
18th July 1980 Launching production at the Yoke Department
18th July 1984
15th December 1995
11th April 1996 ‘Huta Łabędy’ is awarded the Quality Certificate according to ISO 9002 standard
1st January 1998
1999 - 2001 Excerption of independent subsidiary companies from the structures of HUTY ŁABĘDY S.A. with incorporating them to the Capital Group ‘HUTY ŁABĘDY S.A.’
September 2009 Completion of the new shop for the Yoke Department
September 2010 Launching production at the Longitudinal Slitting of Steel Plates and Cold-bent Section Department
October 2010 Commissioning of modern facilities for the Metallurgical Laboratory
December 2011 Kompania Węglowa S.A. (Coal Company, plc.) sells shares of ‘HUTA ŁABĘDY S.A.’ to the ‘Węglokoks S.A.’ company.
October 2012 Signing contract for erection of the rolling mill (ERW plant) for API tubes.